And another Day of Sports and my first Football game ever...
if I continue seeing so many different things there might be nothing left for the rest of my stay :)
I/we were lucky getting those tickets though cause Packer tickets are not available for public; they are all given out to season tickets owner since approx. 60 years or so... That is why we were so happy to ever get the chance going there. The funniest part about all this is that I actually bought them from one of my students :) Lucky :)
As one is supposed to, we (Moppel, Stacy, Mike and I) drove up to Green Bay; covered with beers and lots of food to Tailgate (A big thanks to stacys mom once again sine she did some great cooking). Tailgating is done at quite some locations here in Wisconsin and means that everybody
brings all the mentioned stuff to pre-party and after-party on the parking lots. They even park in random peoples gardens and get their grill and beer going over there!!! This is fun... As you can see we did exactly that before after and I almost was about to say in between the game. Certainly we didn`t in between cause at this time we were rather watching the game inside. Unfortunately the Packers lost but still, it was just an incredible atmosphere and the three hours passed by like nothing.
The stadium holds about 72000 people and every single seat was taken... We were even that many
people in the stadium that it was only little place for everybody since Lambeau Field still has those benches rather than seats. Anyway a great experience...
Oh one last thing; They are famous for their cheese heads and that is what you can see on my last picture.
Take good care...